
CS435 - Distributed Systems

This course introduces students to distributed and parallel systems. It covers process distribution and communication, data distribution, scheduling, concurrency, resource sharing, synchronization, naming, abstraction and modularity, failure handling, distributed programming models, distributed file systems, virtualization, and the use of instrumentation, monitoring and debugging tools in problem solving. Students will learn the design and implementation of today’s popular distributed system paradigms, such as Google File System and MapReduce.

Class Schedule:
10.00AM to 11.00AM Everyday except Thursday. Lab 1A19 Building 105.

Exams Schedule:
Midterm Exam: Monday April 22, 2024.
Final Exam: As scheduled on Edugate.

Important Links: [Syllabus] [This week] [Scores] [Learning Management System]

Course Materials

Past Exams

Final Exams

Midterm Exams