CS435 - Distributed Systems
with Dr. Basit Qureshi

Tutorial 3
Complete the following tasks. Read through this tutorial on ForkJoin Framework in Java.
  • Read How to use ForkJoinPool in Java by Rafael del Nero, Java Developer, InfoWorld | MAY 4, 2023

  • Do the following:
  • Download ForkJoinExample.java
  • Can you determine how many threads are created?
  • Change the value of variable N. Determine the runtimes with the current arrays of size 10. Do you see any impact of parallelism?
  • Modify the code so that it reads a larger textfile [65 KB] containing numbers. Re-run the experiment with N=2, N=4, N=16, N= 1024.
  • Repeat the same with a larger textfile [650 KB] containing numbers. Re-run the experiment. Observe the runtime with different values on N.