CS435 - Distributed Systems
with Dr. Basit Qureshi
Tutorial 3
Complete the following tasks. Read through this tutorial on ForkJoin Framework in Java.
Read How to use ForkJoinPool in Java by Rafael del Nero, Java Developer, InfoWorld | MAY 4, 2023
Do the following:
Download ForkJoinExample.java
Can you determine how many threads are created?
Change the value of variable N. Determine the runtimes with the current arrays of size 10. Do you see any impact of parallelism?
Modify the code so that it reads a larger textfile [65 KB] containing numbers. Re-run the experiment with N=2, N=4, N=16, N= 1024.
Repeat the same with a larger textfile [650 KB] containing numbers. Re-run the experiment. Observe the runtime with different values on N.